Come join our humble group as we embark on a lifelong journey with sourdough in our sustainable cupboard! Learn to harness this wild yeast and thrive on natures goodness from day to day. From bread to biscuits, from doughnuts mmmm! to dinner rolls, pizza dough and more come learn with us!
I will supply a healthy starter for anyone local enough who will take the course with us but we will also be learning how to start our own starter and take care of it as well as where to purchase one and how to dehydrate and care for it. Hope to see you there!
Thankful Thursday: What are you thankful for today?
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
4:13 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Christian homekeeper
sustainable eats
Thankful Thursday
It would appear that great minds think alike! My newest blog that I am reading is doing this same thankful activity.
I am thankful for heavenly fathers plan of salvation and for all the family friends and loved ones that are so supportive. I am also thankful for groups and blogs like this one and the ones listed below!
What are you thankful for today? A healthful food info blog and where we are taking our eCourse together! You are not behind jump in now :) Another awesome food info resource and a fun read! She is on a journey to sustainability as are we. An awesome place to learn and grow covers so much more than food! Also where some of those 'great minds' can be found :)
Let me know if I left you out or you would like to be on my list of favs and I would be glad to check it out :)
I am thankful for heavenly fathers plan of salvation and for all the family friends and loved ones that are so supportive. I am also thankful for groups and blogs like this one and the ones listed below!
What are you thankful for today? A healthful food info blog and where we are taking our eCourse together! You are not behind jump in now :) Another awesome food info resource and a fun read! She is on a journey to sustainability as are we. An awesome place to learn and grow covers so much more than food! Also where some of those 'great minds' can be found :)
Let me know if I left you out or you would like to be on my list of favs and I would be glad to check it out :)
A little Impromptu but hopefully the first of many!
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
9:14 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cheese Making Basics 2 Day
Location: Sustainability: How Sustainable Can We Be?
Time: 11:30AM Thursday, June 24th and 25th
We will be learning How to make Yogurt and 2 basic must have cheeses plus one special cheese you may never even have heard of!
Journal- Mid Week 'minders
This week in the kitchen I am focusing on growing our sourdough to share with friends and list members and learning some new recipes! Will share our favorites on the next Twisted Tuesday post.
This week, I have simply not been able to get a handle on the garden! I need to revamp the garden space and get the rest planted! I have been procrastinating because I had hoped to borrow a tiller but that may not happen... time for the shovel! Oh my back hurts already but it will so be worth it!
If I could have my dream pantry it would be able to hold a year supply of dry gods and have a cold cellar for all the things like potatoes, gourds and fruit that keep best that way like apples. Since we have a large family this would a feat in itself! It would need to be central to the kitchen and also house my grain grinder and grain roller in a usable fashion.
The one place other than where I am that I might like to live is Alaska. Never been there but it sure is pretty.I have family that has lived there and My husband love loves it there. He has family there. We are working to be as sustainable as we can be so that would be a great test! lol
I know I need to clean the broody coop to get our little chicks into for Thursday and continue my research on a fiber animal for to eventually be making our clothes from. Wont that be so awesome!!! Not to have to purchase our clothes!?
Can you see why a homestead type thing in Alaska seems so appealing?!
This week, I have simply not been able to get a handle on the garden! I need to revamp the garden space and get the rest planted! I have been procrastinating because I had hoped to borrow a tiller but that may not happen... time for the shovel! Oh my back hurts already but it will so be worth it!
If I could have my dream pantry it would be able to hold a year supply of dry gods and have a cold cellar for all the things like potatoes, gourds and fruit that keep best that way like apples. Since we have a large family this would a feat in itself! It would need to be central to the kitchen and also house my grain grinder and grain roller in a usable fashion.
The one place other than where I am that I might like to live is Alaska. Never been there but it sure is pretty.I have family that has lived there and My husband love loves it there. He has family there. We are working to be as sustainable as we can be so that would be a great test! lol
I know I need to clean the broody coop to get our little chicks into for Thursday and continue my research on a fiber animal for to eventually be making our clothes from. Wont that be so awesome!!! Not to have to purchase our clothes!?
Can you see why a homestead type thing in Alaska seems so appealing?!
Twisted Tuesday!
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
8:02 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Twisted Tuesday
For our 'Twisted Tuesday" We will be sharing with each other what has come about, been tried, tested or created in our kitchens during the past week. Please leave comments in the comment section below and we will have great fun with this. I will also Figure out how to get Mr. Linky working so we can have some linky love! I love it! lol
Today DD9 whipped up yet another cake. She loves cake what can I say? ( gramma says she has to stop making her eat cake! lol )This time she made a basic chocolate cake and wanted to use her newfound love of coconut milk for the frosting.
So the little all star gets on line and finds a recipe for Coconut Milk Frosting! Yay DD9! I am, as always, impressed by her.
Now this recipe is WAY to much so I scaled it down for her and she went to it. It was fabulous! It was not quite working out in the bowl so we decided to try it in the blender. When all was said and done she had a wonderful frosting that was not overly coconut flavored and to be honest quite good minus the slivers of wooden spoon... ( my fault can you believe it! sorry honey!)
So I went to whip up some more only to discover that she had used the last of the butter and although I am in the process of making butter today it has been a particularly tough batch of goat butter and is not ready, sigh. So I twisted!
This is hands down the most amazing frosting I have ever had! ( and i hate coconut and always thought I was allergic till I found out it was only the fake flakes )
Our Coconut Milk Frosting:
5-7 tablespoons of coconut milk
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon almond ? (optional)
I did not add the 4 specs of salt or the almond and this was still amazing. We drizzled it on the cut cooled but still warm cake and let it soak in a little and permeate the cake and it is fluffy and moist and I wish I had my camera for you!
This frosting would also be wonderful on Wardeh's spice cake that she shared on her twister blog today! GNOWFGLINS Foundation
Gods Natural Organic Whole Foods Grown Locally IN Season
Is an amazing blog and resource! Her eCourse in the fundamentals of whole foods preparation is now a "pay as you can" course. The 13 lessons are each amazing with printouts, pictures and how to videos. Very straight forward and simple, traditionally prepared foods that are healthful to our bodies. Join me as we twist our way through this eCourse and I will see you next Twisted Tuesday to here about your kitchen excitement!
What have you Twisted up in your kitchen this week?
Today DD9 whipped up yet another cake. She loves cake what can I say? ( gramma says she has to stop making her eat cake! lol )This time she made a basic chocolate cake and wanted to use her newfound love of coconut milk for the frosting.
So the little all star gets on line and finds a recipe for Coconut Milk Frosting! Yay DD9! I am, as always, impressed by her.
Now this recipe is WAY to much so I scaled it down for her and she went to it. It was fabulous! It was not quite working out in the bowl so we decided to try it in the blender. When all was said and done she had a wonderful frosting that was not overly coconut flavored and to be honest quite good minus the slivers of wooden spoon... ( my fault can you believe it! sorry honey!)
So I went to whip up some more only to discover that she had used the last of the butter and although I am in the process of making butter today it has been a particularly tough batch of goat butter and is not ready, sigh. So I twisted!
This is hands down the most amazing frosting I have ever had! ( and i hate coconut and always thought I was allergic till I found out it was only the fake flakes )
Our Coconut Milk Frosting:
5-7 tablespoons of coconut milk
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon almond ? (optional)
I did not add the 4 specs of salt or the almond and this was still amazing. We drizzled it on the cut cooled but still warm cake and let it soak in a little and permeate the cake and it is fluffy and moist and I wish I had my camera for you!

Gods Natural Organic Whole Foods Grown Locally IN Season
Is an amazing blog and resource! Her eCourse in the fundamentals of whole foods preparation is now a "pay as you can" course. The 13 lessons are each amazing with printouts, pictures and how to videos. Very straight forward and simple, traditionally prepared foods that are healthful to our bodies. Join me as we twist our way through this eCourse and I will see you next Twisted Tuesday to here about your kitchen excitement!
What have you Twisted up in your kitchen this week?
Caustic Commentary, Spring 2010
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
4:24 PM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Caustic Commentary, Spring 2010: "ANTI-BUTTER FORCES FOILED AGAIN"
Erin’s Oh-So-Fluffy Sourdough Pancakes!
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
12:23 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Homemade Soda (Yumm!) and Blog Talk Radio?
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
3:16 PM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Homemade Soda Pop! from Sustainable Eats (a great blog!) I can't wait to make this! I am going to get some organic ginger this week and we are off! 9/04/18/homemade-soda/
I will not add the recipe as you can get it there :)
ALSO!!! I am considering opening a radio spot! Please let me know if you have any thoughts or concerns. Any topics or suggestions.
If you are in WA Preserve the Harvest courses start June 26! Sign up now!
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
4:07 PM
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Food Security Begins At Home
Learn how to safely preserve the nutritional abundance our local farms and gardens provide.

Starting Saturday, June 26, 2010 you can learn how to safely preserve fresh foods in a series of Saturday workshops at WSU Snohomish County Extension in Everett.
WSU Master Food Preserver Susy Hymas will share her knowledge and passion for preserving nutritious, local foods in a series of five workshops June 26; July 10 and 24; August 7 and 21. Each session will run from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please bring a brown bag lunch.
Basic Canning Sat. June 26: Learn the basics of food safety and canning skills, including bacteria and food spoilage, canning equipment, and canning high acid foods. Demonstration and hands-on.
Drying Foods Sat. July 10: Learn the basics of drying and freezing foods for long- and short-term storage. Includes basic preparation steps to ensure quality and nutrition remain high. Demonstration of both methods.
Canning Specialty Items Sat. July 24: Canning specialty items such as jams and tomato or fruit salsa. Demonstration of jam and salsa canning.
Pickling Sat. Aug. 7: Learn how to make great crunchy pickles of all types, not just from cucumbers. Demonstration of pickled green beans and quick pickles.
Pressure Canning Sat. Aug. 21: Learn how to safely pressure can low acid foods such as vegetables, seafood, and meats. Demonstration of vegetable canning.
Instructor: Nutritionist and WSU Master Food Preserver Susy Hymas has been canning, freezing, drying, and preparing local foods for over twenty years. She loves to share her passion for food by teaching classes on home food preservation and nutrition all over Western Washington.
Class size is limited; sign up now to ensure your spot. All sessions held at WSU Snohomish County Extension's Evergreen Room in McCollum Park, 600 - 128th St SE, Everett. Pre-payment is required. $25 per session or save and take all five for $100. To register, download a form at and mail with your check, or contact Karie Christensen: (425) 357-6039, e-mail
For more information on the workshops, contact Kate Halstead,, (425) 357-6024.
Extension programs and policies are consistent with federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation. Evidence of non-compliance may be reported through your local Extension Office. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodation can request accommodation 21 days before training at (425) 338-2400. If accommodation is not requested in advance, we cannot guarantee availability on-site.