It would appear that great minds think alike! My newest blog that I am reading is doing this same thankful activity.
I am thankful for heavenly fathers plan of salvation and for all the family friends and loved ones that are so supportive. I am also thankful for groups and blogs like this one and the ones listed below!
What are you thankful for today? A healthful food info blog and where we are taking our eCourse together! You are not behind jump in now :) Another awesome food info resource and a fun read! She is on a journey to sustainability as are we. An awesome place to learn and grow covers so much more than food! Also where some of those 'great minds' can be found :)
Let me know if I left you out or you would like to be on my list of favs and I would be glad to check it out :)
Thankful Thursday: What are you thankful for today?
Posted by
Teri Gelseth
4:13 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Christian homekeeper
sustainable eats
Thankful Thursday
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